Writing Location: Warm House Covered In Snow
As the massive glass door swung open, a cold wind blew a decent amount of little white snowflakes into the hall and right into my face. I smiled and stepped outside while my tongue, almost as if it was self-controlled, dropped out of my mouth to start eating the fresh snow. I always do that... I'm not quite sure why. Anyway, it had started snowing rather intensively and it seems like for the first time in about a decade I'm going to have a white Christmas. Bing Crosby would be so happy for me! Adding on to my excitement is the fact that I won't have to drive in these conditions. Walking through snow is fun, but driving through snow is a freaking hazard.
I had once been in a small snow-related car accident myself. Luckily noone was hurt and there were only minor damages. I just didn't make it to class in time. In fact, I was surprised I was even on my way to class in the first place, taking into account that I missed about two thirds of my High School 'career'.
Of course that made it even more fun to watch cars slide around on the streets. Of course only as long as no accidents occured. I didn't see any, so I had a good time watching the traffic while I made my way home through a thick, fluffy layer of white beauty. The next day it wouldn't stop snowing either...
... and not the night after that. It's cold, it's wet, it's dangerous or GREAT for short!
In the past couple of days the thermometer hit -15°C several times and with the growing layer of snow the inside of every brightly lit house grew cozier and cozier. Ann Arbor empties out as the last finals are written and gas station are the only places that seem to be really busy now. About half of Ann Arbor's population will stay here over Christmas, while the rest has already left or is just about to. Buses are empty, there are no lines at the supermarket and you barely meet anyone in the streets, even if you walked around the neighborhoods all day. As I went for a walk last night at 2 am the night was surprisingly bright. Not just the glow of the streetlights reflected by the snow, but the sky as well. Ann Arbor's last salute to the leaving half of it's population this year. See you next year, guys!
Kommentar schreiben
Vera (Sonntag, 18 Dezember 2016 14:38)
Hi Marius!
Schöne Bilder hast Du da gemacht. Erinnert mich an meine Kindheit. Damals (ca.1970) konnten wir noch fast 6 Wochen am Stück Schlitten fahren. Es fuhren kaum Autos und so konnten wir auch einige Straßenabschnitte nutzen. Die längste Strecke war ca. 600 Meter lang. Heute kaum vorstellbar. Aber ist ja auch schon verdammt lang her.......Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin eine gute Zeit.
Viele Grüße von der ganzen Familie. Besonders von Rico. (Der sitzt oben und schreibt an seiner Bachelorarbeit):-)
Schneemann (Sonntag, 01 Januar 2017 09:21)
Vielen dank, Vera!
Ja damals, das waren noch Zeiten... man kann nur hoffen, dass es so schnell wie möglich wieder so wird!
Danke dir! Euch auch gute Erholung und ein frohes Neues!